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Master Plan For Aging

Governor Newsom signed an executive order in June 2019 that calls for the Secretary of the Health and Human Services (HHS) Agency to convene a cabinet-level Workgroup for Aging to advise the Secretary in developing and issuing the Master Plan. The order also directs HHS to convene a Master Plan for Aging Stakeholder Advisory Committee, which will include a Research Subcommittee and a Long-Term Care Subcommittee with an interest in building an age-friendly California.

Download Executive Order N-14-19

To learn more on each of the committees visit Master Plan for Aging

Together We EngAGE

The California Health and Human Services Agency (CHHS) as part of their oversight of the Master Plan For Aging has added a feature on their website entitled “Together We EngAGE” that encourages Californians to share their ideas and suggestions on how we can collectively build an age-friendly California.

CA 2030

A future-ready California Aging Network will need to proactively prepare to serve a larger, older, and more diverse population of older Californians. To prepare, CDA launched CA 2030 and is convening leaders in aging to identify opportunities for Area Agency on Aging (AAA) network-wide advancement and enhancement.

To learn more visit, CA 2030 (