Annual Session
The purpose of the Annual Session is to develop legislative proposals at both the State and Federal levels. At the Annual Session members are assigned to committees and hearings are held on the proposals that have been submitted by its members to determine which should be carried forward. A proposal passed by the CSL must have passed four times: by a Policy Committee in the author’s house (Senate or Assembly); on the floor of the author’s house; by a Policy Committee in the other house; and on the floor of the other house. Finally, the proposals to be carried forward are prioritized to select the top 10 state proposals and top 4 federal proposals. The proposals that passed through this process are then submitted to legislators in the California Legislature which is encouraged to pass appropriate legislation implementing the proposal.
Joint Rules Committee (JRC)
The Joint Rules Committee (JRC) of the California Senior Legislature (CSL) is the policy making body of the CSL and establishes the rules, procedures, and guidelines for the CSL.
The JRC consists of ten members, ten alternates, the immediate past chair, and the Chair of the Legislative Committee. The members and alternates serve two-year terms: the Senior Senate elects five members and five alternates in even-numbered years, and the Senior Assembly similarly elects in odd-numbered years. In each case, one member and one alternate is elected from each of the five Policy Committees.
Legislative Committee
The Legislative Committee of the California Senior Legislature (CSL) is the principal advocacy group for the priority proposals of the CSL.
The Legislative Committee consists of ten members and ten alternates. The members and alternates serve two-year terms: the Senior Senate elects five members and five alternates in even-numbered years, and the Senior Assembly similarly elects in odd-numbered years. In each case, one member and one alternate is elected from each of the five Policy Committees.